Thursday 6 June 2013

The Story of the Maniac Monkey Turtles

                                                 THE FOO STORY

    The Maniac Monkey Turtles have a very strange beginning, along with the other four tribes. All the tribes started out as one, the 'Finigoo Tribe.' They were a peacful tribe, that foucsed on creating amazing things, and working towards perfect harmony...
    But nothing can stay perfect. Soon, the tribe decided to split into three. The new tribes were named the 'Maniac Monkey Turtle Tribe,' the 'Silvermoon Clan,' and the 'Orange Slender Pi Tribe.' One of the tribe members of the Orange Slender Pi's, Liniguc Hinigewwinigit, Thought that the Slender-Man should not be their lord and saviour. He left, now worshipping the Ruthless Great Crabs, and made the 'Ie-Crai Ie-Crai Tribe.'

    Nobody but Liniguc has dared to join the Ie-Crai Ie-Crai Tribe. The tribes get along peacfully enough, only sometimes getting into fights. Our tribe, the Maniac Monkey Turtles, worship many animals, and 10 gods. We fear Mortivayis, the God of the Afterlife, because he can take us away into the Afterlife if we commit evil deeds. The animals we worship are, of course, the Monkey Turtles, which are monkeys with turtle shells, the Panda-Fishes, which are Large fish with the head of a Panda, and the Crizard, a mix between a Crane and a Lizard. There are many other creatures on Foo Island, but these are the ones we worship! Our tribe does not have a forced marriage system, and loves to play fun games! We are the only tribe that has ever made contact with another civilization, when a man in strange clothes washed upon our shores. Instead of leaving him, we did the right thing and brought him back to health, and sent him on his way back to where he came from.

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